Legal Question in Landlord & Tenant Law in Georgia

My lease ends next month. I sent my landlords a 30 day notice by E-mail. They already knew we were not going to renew our lease. Since it was a holiday weekend, I was not able to sent a registered letter until a few days later. Will my E-mail suffice as notice?

Asked on 1/06/11, 2:26 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Phillip M. Cook Cook Legal Services, LLC

It depends on what your lease says. Read it! There is probably something in there about HOW you can give notice. Most leases do NOT allow for email notices because of issues with authenticating the identity of the sender. A written signature still goes a long way in this country. Why don't you ask for something in writing from the landlord acknowledging that you are leaving and that you gave proper notice? Ironically, even if this came in the form of a reply email from the landlord, it would be better than nothing if the landlord subsequently tried to claim that he did not receive proper notice.

Best of luck.*****The above is for informational purposes only and does not create an attorney-client privilege.*******

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Answered on 1/11/11, 4:01 am

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