Legal Question in Family Law in Indiana

Use of loaded weapons during child visitation

My ex-husband has allowed my 4 year old son to shoot loaded weapons during his visitation time with him (he is the non-custodial parent and follows basic minimum visitation guidelines). The father is a hunter and discusses this issue with my son frequently. I am becoming increasing concerned because I have now received several reports from adults telling me of ''disturbing'' talk from my son (now 5) about liking to kill animals, shooting, etc. and overall glamourizing violence. My son has stated he gets these ideas ''from my Dad'', but does not go into detail. Do I have any legal right to keep my young son from loaded weapons and/or hunting/killing animals during his visitation time with his father? Please advise. Thank you

Asked on 3/22/02, 9:57 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Dorene Philpot Philpot Law Office

Re: Use of loaded weapons during child visitation

Sounds like you and your ex have a serious difference of opinion about how to spend free time and what a four-year-old should be taught.

If you believe that your child's safety and welfare are at stake, you can request supervised visitation or visitation that doesn't involve the use of weapons (or maybe just waiting until the child is older).

I think most courts would share your concern here.

What would need to happen is a Petition for Modification of Visitation.

You and your ex would be able to argue before the court why you feel the way each of you does, and then the court would decide the way things are going to go.

It's highly likely that you would be ordered to mediation first, to try to work it out that way, before being given a hearing on the issues.

I hope this information is helpful to you.

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Answered on 3/23/02, 5:21 am

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