Legal Question in Personal Injury in Massachusetts

my dog fought another, much smaller dog

I have a pit bull terrier, who ran out of the house and attacked my upstairs neighbors' miniature dog. I pulled my dog off and returned him to my apt. And checked out the other dog to see if there were any injuries. There appeared to be no open wounds (no red on the dog's white fur), just lots of saliva, and one spot on the dog's neck that was sensitive to touch.

The owner, a neurotic woman, who likes to overdramatize everything, informed me that she wouldn't be pressing charges but that she would be calling animal control.

What is going to happen to my dog? The breed has been bastardized due to the media... Am I in trouble? Will my dog be taken away from me?

Asked on 12/07/06, 7:59 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Re: my dog fought another, much smaller dog

Upon notification, animal control will investigate the attack and make a preliminary determination regarding the dangerousness of the dog. If this is a first offense, generally, the repercussions are minor. For second and subsequent offenses, most municipalities would refer the dog to a board to determine whetehr it should be euthanised; if this happens, the town will collect the dog and present you with a notice that by statute you have ten (10) calendar days (that means weekends and holidays are included) to file an appeal with the district court and request a clerk magistrates hearing on whetehr the animal is dangerous and should be destroyed. Please contact me if you have any further questions.

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Answered on 12/07/06, 8:10 pm

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