Legal Question in Discrimination Law in Montana

Major put down!!!


I am a student in high school and I am near the top of my class. We just started school this year and I decided to make a couple schedule changes like nearly every student does. I was signed up for a science class that i really do not need to take because I am planning to study Business Management in college. I told the teacher that I was planning to transfer out of her class (which he/she thinks is the most important class in the world) and in front of the whole class he/she said, ''Well, I guess you don't need my class but we will see you working in McDonalds in a few years.'' The whole class immediately burst out laughing at me and made me the 'laughing stock' of the school the whole day. I am not expecting to get rich off of this, but I just want to receive an appology. Can you please help me out and explain the steps I should take to file a complaint if it is possible. Thanks a lot for your time.

Asked on 8/28/03, 8:49 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Regina Mullen Legal Data Services, PLC

Re: Major put down!!!

This is not something that belongs in court. There was no real harm,- it was just an insensitive joke. Write a letter to the principal and forget about it.

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Answered on 8/28/03, 9:48 pm

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