Legal Question in Family Law in Nevada

Ex-wife continues to harass my fiance.

my fiance's ex-wife is still calling his cellphoneand leaving instigating messages, with name calling and everything. Last week, he sent his daughter money along with the birthday card, and his money order for the child support, only to find out that his daughter told him there was no money inside the card that it was already open when her mom gave it to her. Then the ex-wife had the gull to call him and make him feel bad by telling him he is being mean to his kid by telling her there was money (which infact there was, the 20 bill even had a note to it for his daughter), but she said there was none, but she got her child support money? Can shetake him back to court again for whatever reason? I forgot to mention, he also has partial custody of the kids, which is one weekend once a month and first one month of summer then last month of summer, all month. But he decided that he will no longer have any more communications with his kids, nor his ex-wife because of what she puts the kids through, by talking thru them and using them as pawns. Would he be violating anything? I mean, it is his right to do what he feels is good for the kids after all? and it would be his own morality on the line.? Please comment.

Asked on 4/18/07, 2:07 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Anita Webster Webster & Associates

Re: Ex-wife continues to harass my fiance.

Your fiance can file with family court based upon his ex's apparent attempts to interfere with his relationship with the children. The court can appoint a parenting coordinator (at an expenses to both parties) who could get involved in the day to day disputes and report those to the court when appropriate. If the court appoints a special master/parenting coordinator this might accomplish two things: cut down on the interference and attempted alienation and give you proof when you go back to court to show ongonig interference by your ex, which could lead to sanctions and/or change of custody if the alienation and interference is severe.

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Answered on 4/18/07, 1:33 pm

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