Legal Question in Criminal Law in New Jersey

Gun carry question

Say I walk into a fast food restaurant carrying a toy gun in a shoulder holster, fully visible to everyone. I never make any reference to or movement towards the toy gun. I purchase food, sit down and begin eating along with a friend. The fast food manager/clerk pushes emergency police call button, police arrive, I am identified and approached by police officers. I cooperate completely with the police and everyone finds out the gun is a toy. If I am arrested, what charges could they post and could any of them hold up in a court of law? For a final kicker, if you were my defense attorney, other than insanity, what would be your line of defense against any and all charges?

Asked on 5/01/06, 10:24 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

Jef Henninger, Esq Law Offices of Jef Henninger, Esq.

Re: Gun carry question

No offense, but this does not sound like a real case, more like an exam question. Furthermore, it sounds pretty crazy and I don't see you even getting arrested for this. Why would you even have a "toy gun" as an adult?

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Answered on 5/02/06, 9:31 am
Ronald Aronds Law Office of Ronald Aronds, LLC

Re: Gun carry question

I could probably get this charge dismissed. Please contact me to discuss this if you wish. I never charge for simply talking to someone. Thank you.

Sincerely yours, -Ronald Aronds, Esq.-

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Answered on 5/02/06, 11:11 am

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