Legal Question in Civil Rights Law in New York

Forced in Psychiatric Ward

Is it legal for someone be forced to go the hospital psych ward, if they aren't dangerous?

My cousin (age 20) was forced into a hospital, by her school psychiatrist. When my cousin got to school, her psychiatrist told her that she had to go to the hospital whether she liked it or not; and she had guards there to force her into the ambulance, in case she refused. My cousin was locked in the psychiatrist's room until the ambulance came. When she got to the hospital, they told her that she had to stay there, and that should could either sign in voluntarily, or involuntarily. She was also told that it would look better and she would stay for a shorter time, if she willingly signed in. She is diagnosed with depression, but has never shown signs of violence towards herself, nor others.

Also, was it a ruse to have her sign in voluntarily?

And can legal action be taken against this coercion?

Asked on 6/20/07, 10:15 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Carlos Gonzalez Gonzalez Legal Associates PLLC

Re: Forced in Psychiatric Ward

your cousin very well may have a case, it really depends on the facts of the case, such as why the school psychologist took it upon him/her self to call in the first place, if there is any history of violence or any previous coversations between your cousin and the school psychologist...

please contact my office as soon as possible and i would be more than happy to help you with this situation.

You may reach my office at 2127098303

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Answered on 6/22/07, 7:32 am

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