Legal Question in Business Law in Ohio

Using photos for home based business

I want to start a home based business making greeting cards and calendars. I've taken pictures of old homes, barns, bridges, scenery and animals to start with. Do I need to get written waivers from the owners of such items stating they allowed me to use these for commercial purposes and that I'm not responsible for monetary compensation to them for using these items commercially? If I do need to get these waivers can they turn around later and recant and demand monetary compensation for anything I've profitted from using? Also would I have to copyright my items to keep anybody else from using the pictures I took for their own business use? And would I have to get the owners permission to copyright these items if it's necessary to do that that is? I would appreciate knowing asap as I would like to move forward with my business plans.

Asked on 1/20/05, 11:08 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Joseph Jacobs Jacobs & Lowder

Re: Using photos for home based business

Yes they need to sign something now. When you use someone's property for commercial gain, they have the right to ask to be compensated. You should prepare a waiver that allows your use, and when you write it give them something as compensation..that is, free pictures or something.

Call directly if you want:

Joe Jacobs



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Answered on 1/20/05, 12:53 pm

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