Legal Question in Tax Law in Oregon

Are Oregon's taxlaws re:personal income tax legal?

When considering the definition of income in USC 26, and ''persons'' liable for income tax, and the questionable

''ratification'' of the 16th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, are Oregon's tax laws (or any other states)

constitutionally illegal?

Asked on 12/18/02, 1:47 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Burton Haynes Burton J. Haynes, P.C.

Re: Are Oregon's taxlaws re:personal income tax legal?

Well, why don't you tell us what you think?

I have found over many years in and out of the government that responding to tax protestor questions, arguments or positions is a waste of time and energy. People delude themselves into believing these bogus arguments because it is in their selfish economic interest to do so, not because there is any legal or moral validity to the arguments. If you want to believe that Oregon state taxes, or federal taxes for that matter, are illegal, go right ahead. The rest of us, who love this country, and who pay our taxes in order to support our federal and state governments so that they can educate our children, build our roads, protect our borders, and support our men and women in uniform, will carry the burden for you. Those who adopt these self-delusional positions out of economic greed and the self-centered attitude of "let the other guy do it," need to look in the mirror every day and understand that they are not glorious intellectual crusaders, but parasites on our society, and that the rest of us are carrying their share of what it costs to keep this country safe and free. So believe whatever you want to believe.

If you really do want information, and are not just pushing one of these wacko theories, there are many good websites which expose the fraudulent activities and bogus arguments of the protestor promoters, including and

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Answered on 12/18/02, 2:52 pm

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