Legal Question in Real Estate Law in United Kingdom

Is this legal?

I recieved and email from a Mr. Joseph Morrison claiming that he knows a man with the same last name as mine (Brickman). Morrison claims that this Brickman fellow has left behind 19 million dollars to his next of kin. Because Brickman's next of kin is unknown Morrison has been apointed to find the next of kin. So my question is, is it legal for me to claim to be Brickman's next of kin just because I have the same last name (and not because I actually know the guy is related to me) in order to atain some extra cash?

Asked on 6/21/04, 12:20 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Volker Hirsch RA Hirsch

Re: Is this legal?

Well, to claim if you would know for certain that you are not the heir would possibly be illegal. However, I would be greatly surprised if there were $ 19m. This sounds a lot like one of the far too many shams to me.

Never pay those people any money (they would ask for admin fees, or deposits to be able to open bank accounts and the like) and never give out any information that could compromise you financially. You are probably rather excited but these schemes turned out to be run by conmen far too often.

Good luck.

Kind regards,

Volker Hirsch

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Answered on 6/21/04, 12:31 pm

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