Legal Question in Criminal Law in Virginia

physical harassment

had a bar fight about seven years ago, i hit someone on the mouth closed fist that person went to the police,i received a summons to appear in court were i was told to attend anger management classess i never went. I would like to know if there is a statute of limitations on this charge.The chargewas in upstate new york.

Asked on 7/08/07, 2:34 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Michael Hendrickson Law Office Michael E. Hendrickson

Re: physical harassment

If it was a misdemeanor offense, the statute of limitations to prosecute the crime would normally be one year from the date of the incident in most jurisdictions. However, from your description of matters, it would appear that your case has already received some kind of disposition and that you apparently failed to complete all of the conditions of your probation, namely, anger management. However, this would have nothing to due with a statute of limitation issue, but whether the court has issued a warrant for your arrest for failure to complete the conditions of your probation which may still be outstanding and which you could probably find out about by calling the clerk of court(criminal division).

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Answered on 7/08/07, 4:31 pm

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