Legal Question in Personal Injury in Washington

car accident

I was involved in an accident almost a year ago where a car cut me off and I hit them and then they hit the car infront of them. No one got tickets, but insurance did find me at fault, so I dropped them because it was not my fault, the guy was speeding and cut right infront of me, and then they drove up the road and pulled over but my car was not driveable so I could go no where. Now the driver who the car i hit , hit is suing me for injuries, pain and suffering and not being able to enjoy life. I have insurance so I dont' understand how they can be suing me? and what can I do?

Asked on 10/28/07, 7:22 pm

4 Answers from Attorneys

Sam Hochberg Sam Hochberg & Associates

Re: car accident

I agree with what the other two lawyers have advised: That the insurance company you had at the time of the accident is most probably required to provide you with a legal defense to this lawsuit. In other words, they'll hire a lawyer to defend you, and they usually will try to settle it, if warranted.

You said you didn't understand why you've been sued, since you have insurance. Having insurance doesn't prevent anyone from suing you. It may be that the plaintiff's lawyer tried to negotiate with your insurance company first, but your insurer wouldn't pay them enough to make them go away and settle out of court. So, that's what the courts are for. Having said that, in most jurisdictions I have ever heard of, the majority of motor vehicle injury cases settle without having to go to trial, even when a lawsuit has been filed.

The more accurate answers to your questions should be found with the insurance adjuster from your company who is handling the defense of this lawsuit, and from the lawyer they assign to represent you in that lawsuit.

The way you describe this accident, it almost sounds like a setup. Ask your lawyer about it.

Good luck!

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Answered on 10/29/07, 10:56 pm
Merry Kogut Key Peninsula Law

Re: car accident

You need to contact the insurance company you had at the time of the accident. They will provide a free legal defense.

In addition, if you were hurt in the accident, you may be able to recover from your insurance company.

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Answered on 10/28/07, 7:37 pm
James J. White, attorney Law Offices of Smith & White, PLLC

Re: car accident

Contact your current and previous insurance company. Your previous company should handle the claim against you. However, as a practical matter contact your current insurer because they will put pressure on the previous carrier. Best wishes and if you need further help feel free to contact me directly.

At your service,

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Answered on 10/29/07, 1:04 pm
Victor Ro The Ro Law Firm

Re: car accident

Dear Sir/Madam:

My suggestion is that you contact a lawyer as soon as possible, to discuss your case.

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Answered on 11/05/07, 3:34 pm

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