Category Archives: Articles

What Motorcyclists Should Do Following An Accident

By | June 8, 2017

It’s critical that every motorcyclist knows what to do should they ever get into an injurious accident. Motorcyclists can be at an advantage with their maneuverability on the road. Unfortunately, they’re most definitely at a disadvantage if they’re involved in an accident. Motorcyclists have much less protection on the road than those operating cars or buses.

Flawed Hip Replacement Hardware Prompts Spike in Recalls and Malpractice Litigation

By | June 7, 2017

In a 2015 statement by Dr. Mark Pagnano, the chairman of orthopedic surgery at the Mayo Clinic (Rochester, Minnesota), the number of hip replacements performed in the United States has skyrocketed in recent years.   While many believe this to be a result of the aging population, with more than 46.2 million seniors over the age of 65 in… Read More »

Juvenile Sentencing Options in California

By | May 25, 2017

The juvenile court system is not an identical version of the adult system filled with younger criminals; legally speaking, minors commit “delinquent acts” not crimes, they have no right to a public trial with jury and courtrooms are often less formal and closed to the public.

Subtle Signs of Discrimination at Work

By | May 23, 2017

Egregious or high-profile cases of workplace discrimination and harassment make headlines. Sometimes these cases end up in court. Other times, accusers and accused settle behind the scenes.

Millennials: The Untapped Estate Planning Market

By | May 18, 2017

If you’re an employer, a parent, or both, then it will come as no surprise to you that Millennials are a little different than previous generations. Most don’t prioritize the same traditional values as your generation, or those of their parents and grandparents. The stereotypical Millennial is tech savvy, entrepreneurial, and socially conscious. On the downside, many people… Read More »

Explaining the Rise in Construction Worker Injuries

By | May 18, 2017

When the numbers on traffic fatalities were released for 2015, there was a public outcry about the dramatic increase in crash-related deaths. The numbers left many people scratching their heads, but some analysts offered a simple explanation for the increase – the economy had improved, more people were driving and, therefore, there were more deaths.

How can I properly navigate probate?

By | May 17, 2017

When your loved one passes away, it is a sad time where family is mourning the death, celebrating the life-lived, and planning according to the deceased person’s wishes. Typically, emotions are running high and tensions can run even higher if loved ones perceive they are being treated unfairly after the death.

5 Tips to Avoiding a Cycling Accident

By | May 16, 2017

Commuting by bike is much safer than many people think. According to government statistics 1 cyclist is killed on UK roads for every 27 million miles travelled by bike, equivalent to 1000 times around the world. The same statistics suggest you are more likely to be injured in an hour of gardening than in an hour of cycling.… Read More »

Why We Should Take Workplace Fatigue Seriously

By | May 15, 2017

Long hours, growing to-do lists, looming deadlines, increased expectations from employers – these are facts of life for many American workers. The stresses of the job are starting to take their toll on employees.

Can you use medical marijuana on probation in Colorado?

By | May 10, 2017

If you have a red card in Colorado, can you use medical marijuana even if you’re on probation? We’ll discuss your rights under Colorado and whether or not you can use medical marijuana while on probation.