Tag Archives: motorcycle personal injury

What Motorcyclists Should Do Following An Accident

By | June 8, 2017

It’s critical that every motorcyclist knows what to do should they ever get into an injurious accident. Motorcyclists can be at an advantage with their maneuverability on the road. Unfortunately, they’re most definitely at a disadvantage if they’re involved in an accident. Motorcyclists have much less protection on the road than those operating cars or buses.

What Makes Motorcycle Accidents Unique?

By | October 18, 2016

According to recent U.S. statistics from 2014, about 92,000 motorcyclists suffered injuries that year. You may notice that attorneys typically put motorcycles into a different category of motor vehicle accidents. Several factors set motorcycles apart from regular passenger vehicles, including their slim profiles. From the type of person who rides a motorcycle to the state laws, here are… Read More »

Motorcycle Insurance: Are You as Protected as You Think?

By | August 1, 2016

According to the most recent data available, there are approximately 8.4 million motorcycles registered in the U.S. The top five states are California, Florida, Texas, Ohio, and Pennsylvania, with all but the last claiming more than 400,000 registrations each. Whether your love affair with motorcycles began at a young age, was a forgone conclusion as an activity shared… Read More »

Is Lane-Splitting Safe?

By | March 15, 2016

We should always be conscious of the risks we take when operating cars and motorcycles. After all, we must always make an effort to equitably share the roads we travel, regardless of the vehicles we choose to get us to our destinations.

The Motorcycle Is Not Always At Fault

By | March 1, 2016

When an accident involving a motorcycle happens, it’s often a knee-jerk reaction to blame the motorcyclist. We assume they had to be speeding, weaving, or otherwise operating unsafely. Many motorists simply assume that a motorcycle is inherently dangerous, and the rider simply has to be at fault. This is not true.