Why you need a Power of Attorney and How to Assign One

By | May 9, 2008

A power of attorney is someone who can make important financial decisions on your behalf if you are incapacitated or unable to do so. Many people think about a power of attorney as they approach old age or begin to suffer from ill health.

Although advancing age may ultimately result in your inability to make decisions, injuries, rapid-onset illnesses, or accidents are some others. Anyone who wishes to enable someone else to make decisions on their behalf needs a power of attorney, irrespective of age or health status.

Misunderstanding about the definition of a power of attorney is one reason people may be reluctant to complete the process involved in assignment. You can assign a power of attorney with as much or as little control as you like. A power of attorney can be assigned to function in a very general or specific way. You decide when the person you designate as power of attorney is allowed to make decisions, and you also decide exactly what decisions they are allowed to make.

Another common misconception people have is that assigning powers of attorney requires the services of a lawyer. All too often, people fail to assign powers of attorney because the quotes they receive from lawyers are so high. You can actually obtain the power of attorny forms you need online at very affordable prices.

Whether you are interested in designating a health care power of attorney, a power of attorney for finances, or a legal power of attorney for making other decisions on your behalf, you can take advantage of Internet resources to obtain the exact legal forms you need to do so today.

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