Legal Question in Technology Law in California

Getty Images Unauthorized Use

I've recently received an invoice for using a photo

from Getty


with out proper licensing. I did it because at the

time I really


understand what Royalty Free meant, but Getty

doesn't seem

to care -

They were going to charge me $2400 for both

images. However,


contacted both of the photographers, after the rep

from Getty

told me

that is the only way to have my cased pardoned.

Both photogs


sent in emails pardoning the past use of their

images. Well now


is saying that I'm still responsible for a fraction of

the fee which


specifically to cover the third party agency,

PicScout, which

actually does the image tracking for Getty. My

question is should

I pay

the fee, which is now $500, or should I contest the

charge. I

read that

unless photos are registered, cases generally won't

hold up in

court. My

biggest concern is that they give the bill to a

collection agency

and my

credit will get ruined. Any recommendations?

Asked on 11/28/07, 7:25 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

Gordon Firemark Law Offices of Gordon P. Firemark

Re: Getty Images Unauthorized Use

Technically, it's still a copyright infringement, and you're liable for damages.. the amount in question is probably negotiable.

Their decision to pay a third-party agency is not really your problem, if the photographers granted you permission to use the pictures, you shouldn't have to pay anything, but you'll waste lots of time and money fighting with Getty over this.

Maybe making a counteroffer ($150 or so?) would settle things.

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Answered on 11/28/07, 8:59 pm
Cathy Cowin Law Offices of Cathy Cowin

Re: Getty Images Unauthorized Use

This is all over the internet right now and this is not the first case I've heard about. If you ask Getty to provide proof, they will likely back off. If you need assistance, please feel free to call. This is also going on with Corbin in association with Getty. It appears to virtually be an effort to create a profit center through litigation threats.

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Answered on 11/28/07, 7:34 pm

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