Legal Question in Employment Law in California

What can my friend do if a harasser accuses her of lying about harrassment

A female friend at work believes she has been harassed for last 4 mo. she asked the harasser to stop but he did not. She didn't file a complaint with the management for fear of losing her job. She decided to go to the harassers live-in girlfriend (also a coworker) and tell her that her man has been saying unwanted sexual things to her... The harasser was there and said she was lying. The girlfriend of the harasser has filed a complaint with management about my friend.. can she lose her job for being harassed but not filing a complaint and trying to settle it out of the workplace???

Asked on 5/07/03, 3:37 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Robert F. Cohen Law Office of Robert F. Cohen

Re: What can my friend do if a harasser accuses her of lying about harrassment

By all means, your friend should tell management of the sexual harassment. It has no place in the workplace (or anywhere else, for that matter). What she told the harasser's girlfriend and what she reported to management is very fact-specific, and without more information, there's no way to answer. It also depends on whether the "confrontation" was during work hours, or out of work, etc. -Robert F. Cohen, Esq.

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Answered on 6/16/03, 1:17 am

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