Legal Question in Landlord & Tenant Law in California

Renters rights

My Mother who is 88 and has lived in the same house for 28 years, her landlord is now planing to sell the house, and for the past 6 months he has been trying to fix up the house, due to termites and other repairs. everyday for the past few months, him and his son and another man would go to my Mothers house to make repairs, then he got a dumpster to get rid of things. My mother had alot of stuff, she is a packrat, but the problem is he started getting rid of alot of her stuff with out her permission, some of it was junk, but there was alot of stuff she had in her garage, and they just dumped it, or either stole it from her, and she also had stuff in her yard, and it disappear, such as ladders and other yard tools, when she asked about the stuff in her yard, she was told by him, or there was some men I saw in your yard, taking stuff, He said I thought you knew them, and his wife also told her, please dont take anything out of the dumpster, my Mother said that you threw away stuff I didnt want throwed out, now the landladys wife, says they are selling the house, and will be sending a 60 day notice soon to move out, Is there anything my Mother can do about them steal her stuff, it was not all junk, I feel that she has been violated.

Asked on 9/03/08, 4:35 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Robert L. Bennett Law offices of Robert L. Bennett

Re: Renters rights

File an action in small claims court.

However, you'll have to prove what is missing, and its value.

Mother will probably not win.

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Answered on 9/05/08, 9:44 am

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