Legal Question in Landlord & Tenant Law in California

How can my sister or I exert any legal right to have identification shown by this tenant?...

My 4-year-old niece is living with a probable child-molester tenant, who gave his phone number to her on a business card. Also, since his tenancy began, a drawing of a penis appeared in her coloring book.

My sister's ex-husband, who is the landlord, has not asked for any identification from the tenant, and is resisting doing so, even though he has also driven my ex-brother-in-law's car with my niece in it.

How can my sister or I exert any legal right to have identification shown by this tenant?

I have found his name listed on

Simply checking information against this license, e.g, a driver's license, would answer this concern.

Asked on 6/20/11, 11:37 am

3 Answers from Attorneys

Philip Iadevaia Law Offices of Philip A. Iadevaia

How did it come about that your niece is living with this tenant? You need to be more clear about your facts. You make it seem as though your niece is living with an adult male not related to her. Also, you make it seem that the 4 year old got the phone number of the tenant on a business card. This makes no sense.

To answer generally, a tenant is required to give certain information to provide a credit check. The landlord should have gotten this information before renting to any tenant. If the LL does not have the information, you'll have to serve a three-day notice to perform or quit. That might shake something loose. Good luck.

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Answered on 6/20/11, 11:52 am
George Shers Law Offices of Georges H. Shers

Assuming that neither your sister nor you have any property rights in the unit where the man is living, you can not legally do anything.

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Answered on 6/20/11, 12:31 pm

If you already have this guy's name, what do you need ID for? I agree with the other attorneys that the rest of your question is hopelessly jumbled. If you know the guy's name, know he's on the Megan's Law list, and he is rooming with the girl's father while she lives there, call children's services and have them sort it out.

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Answered on 6/22/11, 2:49 pm

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