Legal Question in Business Law in Connecticut


I wish to form an llc business in Wyoming even though I live in Conneticut. I am selling goods on the Amazon marketplace and my goods are stored in Amazon warehouses across the country. Would I be able to from a domestic (in-state) llc in wyoming even if I am operating the online business on my computer which is in CT? I may also open a business banking account in CT.

Thank you

Asked on 10/22/15, 9:28 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Generally speaking since you operate in CT you and need a CT bank account, you will need to register in CT as a foreign LLC and of course you will need to file taxes in CT as well as in the LLC's home state.

If you are using an incorporation service that is promoting Wyoming as a good LLC home state beware of the implications and additional costs. I highly recommend that you use an attorney and not an incorporation service. The few hundred dollars you may be saving will likely cost much more down the road...

If you need assistant in incorporation please contact me directly.

Roman R. Fichman, Esq. │ @TheLegalist

email: Info (@) TheLegalists (dot) com

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Answered on 10/23/15, 8:34 am

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