Legal Question in Civil Litigation in Florida

We want to sue for damages

My boyfriend and I were in an accident with an uninsured motorist who was in an uninsured vehicle that did not belong to him. My boyfriend's insurance rate will go up if they for the damages even though it was the other guy's fault. I was told that we could take both the driver and the owner of the vehicle to small claims court to possibly get compensation for the damages. Is this true? If so would it be one hearing with the two people present? In that case who would be responsible for paying the debt?

Asked on 3/26/01, 4:30 pm

3 Answers from Attorneys

Charles Aspinwall Charles S. Aspinwall, J.D., LLC

Re: We want to sue for damages

First, get another opinion concerning your insurance rates. It is not legal for the insurance company to raise your rates and not everyone elses for a collision and loss which was not your fault and not chargeable to you. That's why you carry UIM insurance - so you will be paid just as if the insurance was on the other car. Someone is misleading you.

You can, of course, sue the driver of the responsible vehicle for your damages. You will first want to answer the question "If he can't afford liability insurance, how is he going to pay me if I win?"

You would have one hearing [trial] with all parties and witnesses present, and the loser pays the debt.

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Answered on 5/30/01, 5:06 pm
Patrick Russell Russell Law Offices

Re: We want to sue for damages

You may sue both the driver and the owner of the vehicle for your damages. If either party was insured, the insurance company would defend the case.

Your damages include property damages as well as any medical expenses or personal injuries you may have suffered. If your total damages are less than $5,000.00, you may sue in small claims court. If your damages are greater than $5,000.00 but less than $15,000.00, you must sue in County Court. If your damages exceed $15,000.00 you must sue in Circuit Court. Depending upon which Court your lawsuit is in, would determine how the case proceeds.

Feel free to contact me if you should have any further questions.

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Answered on 5/30/01, 5:06 pm
Michael Tobin Michael M. Tobin, P.A.

Re: We want to sue for damages

You can sue both the driver and the owner in small claims court. But collecting may be a problem. How nuch car damage is involved? I would recommend making a claim against your company and they will bring a subrogation claim against the other parties. That's what insurance is for. His premium should not be increased for a not at fault accident. Uninsured motorists coverage is only for personal injury claims. Don't confuse it with damage to the car.

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Answered on 5/30/01, 5:12 pm

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