Legal Question in Landlord & Tenant Law in Florida

how do i in Florida preserve my rights to get my former landlord to return my security deposit i rented a room on a oral month to month type of agreement all payments were made by check with notes on each check as to what each check was for

Asked on 2/01/13, 6:22 am

2 Answers from Attorneys

Barry Stein De Cardenas, Freixas, Stein & Zachary

Landlord has to send you written notice upon departure alleging any damages to be deducted from security deposit. The security is for damages not for rental. If not done as per statute ,they lose their right to deduct from security deposit. Not much for you to do but wait and see.

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Answered on 2/01/13, 6:43 am
Lucreita Becude Lucreita D. Becude, P.A.

If you have left the unit , the landlord has 15 days to comply with what the damages are.

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Answered on 2/01/13, 8:02 am

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