Legal Question in Sexual Harassment in Illinois

Reverse Sexual Harassment?

I am curious whether or not what i am experiencing will fall under ''Reverse'' or ''Hostile'' sexual harassment.

I am the branch owner/manager of a mortgage broker company. The corporate office has a ''manager'' who oversees AND provides support to all the individual branch managers. She and I dated exclusively for about 3 months, before she broke up with me in November of 2002.

Since that time, i have received HORRIBLE support from her and her assistant. Website passwords for my new employees took 6 weeks to get (instead of 24 hours). Verbal antagonism and condiscending attitudes are constant.

MORE IMPORTANTLY, since we are paid strictly by commission -- the company has a policy to pay it's employees WITHIN 48-72 hours of bringing a funded loan into the office... My last check took 3 weeks to receive, and as of today -- both me and one of my loan officers are CURRENTLY awaiting our checks on 3 funded loans (submitted 8 DAYS AGO)...

3 weeks ago, i emailed her direct boss (the company owner)regarding my concern over the whole situation (also explaining hers and my ''past history''). I have never received a response of any kind.


Thank You,

Steven K.

Asked on 2/04/03, 8:27 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Mary McDonagh McDonagh-Faherty Law Offices

Re: Reverse Sexual Harassment?

Sexual harassment involves sexual improprieties at the workplace which become a condition of employment or create a hostile atmosphere. It is obviously much more complex. If she is not harassing you sexually then this would not suffice.

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Answered on 2/12/03, 12:56 pm

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