Legal Question in Family Law in Missouri

grandparent rights

How do I apply for emergency custody for child in dangerous situation involving drug use, known but unproven, by mother. I have been primary caregiver for child since birth 19 mo old and now mother refuses to even let me see grandchild since I reported her leaving child unattended to local police.

Asked on 10/10/05, 2:31 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Anthony Smith LawSmith

Re: grandparent rights

If you honestly beleive that the child is being abused or neglected, then you should call the the DFS hotline. If the child is in danger, and DFS learns of the situation some other way, you may not get custody. They someitmes take the position that you knew of the abuse and did nothing, so you are unfit to provide temporary custody while the Court sorts out whther the abuse or neglect occurred. On the other hand, most hotline calls are made by person with a grudge against the parent. Decide wther your obvious resentment of not being able toe see the child is clouding your perception, then make what you think is the right decision, and take the consequences that result therefrom.

Good Luck

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Answered on 10/10/05, 9:59 pm

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