Legal Question in Family Law in New Jersey

Grandparents custody chances

My grandson is 6yrs old and has lived with me & my husband since he was 1 year old. Both of his parents dropped him off to our home and sign a letter of guardianship over to us. they said they could ''handle '' the pressures of being parents. They have since split up long ago and he remained with us. Both parents have had open visitation with him. A few months ago we ask the father to pay $50 a week to help out with extras like karate and baseball. The mother(my daughter) lived w/ us at the time and helped out with food and clothing. The father refused and then took us to court for custody. My daughter and I got in to and argument over household chores and she stormed out and moved out, she then told the father that she would give him FULL custody in court just to be hurtful to us. We are now scheduled to go to court to fight for custody to keep our grandson in the only stable home he has ever known. I recently heard that NJ has NO grandparent rights... Do I have a shot of keeping my grandson? I don't have the $ to lose. If I truly have a chance then I will find a way. I would be appreciative of ANY info.

Thank You your time!!!

Asked on 6/30/09, 6:27 pm

3 Answers from Attorneys

Robert Davies The Davies Law Firm, P.A.

Re: Grandparents custody chances

This is just too complicated to give you a 'yes' or 'no'. The judge can take away custody from parents and give to the grandparents if that is in the best interests of the child. But no guarantees, no predictions from me.

Is it dangerous for the child to live with him? Problems like alcohol or drug abuse? Other factors?

Best would be to sit down with a family law and divorce attorney, plan out your strategy and get some guidance.

Call me if you like, but you will need a lot more than just a phone call to fix this.

Disclaimer: Your question and any response does NOT create an attorney-client relationship between you and this law firm. You can not rely on the statements made by an attorney given over the internet. The exact facts of your situation, including facts which you have not mentioned in your question, may completely change the result for your situation.

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Answered on 6/30/09, 6:47 pm
Gary Moore Gary Moore Attorney At Law

Re: Grandparents custody chances

Grandparents have visitation rights by law. As for custody, the question is always what is in the best interest of the child.

Call me if you like

Gary Moore,Esquire

Hackensack, New Jersey

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Answered on 6/30/09, 8:07 pm
Jef Henninger, Esq Law Offices of Jef Henninger, Esq.

Re: Grandparents custody chances

I have to assume you have an attorney by now. If not, you need one and now. Call me at 732/247/3340 to discuss.

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Answered on 6/30/09, 8:52 pm

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