Legal Question in Family Law in New Jersey

husbans lawyer

I dropped a restraining orer against my husbank after we agreed to turns outlined in a court agreement. My husband and I both had lawyers. In our agreement my husband was not to touch his 401K money and his lawyer was to write a letter to the company letting them know account was to be frozen due to a divorce. The letter wa never written the account was not frozen my busband took all the money out and gambled away every penny. We are almost done with our divorce but I feel if she would of done her job and wrote the letter we would of had the 401K money still today. My husband has not paid support for the last 1/12 yrs. If there was extra money 401K money maybe I could of gotton extra college money for the kids. Pls et me know what you think thanks so much

Asked on 6/30/09, 8:48 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

Jef Henninger, Esq Law Offices of Jef Henninger, Esq.

Re: husbans lawyer

Sounds like you got screwed to put it bluntly. I'm not sure how much could be done now, I would need to see what is left. However, I don't think the letter was the big issue in this case as a letter is not really needed as the law should protect you. Of course, you need a good attorney to enforce the law.

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Answered on 6/30/09, 8:55 pm
Jason Tuchman Cohn Lifland Pearlman Herrmann & Knopf LLP

Re: husbans lawyer

Sounds like your husband is in violation of an agreement and has dissipated marital assets. I would need more information to see what can be done, but an offset against other assets may be an option.

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Answered on 7/01/09, 10:41 am

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