Legal Question in Family Law in New Jersey

NJ Divorce

With a No Fault divorce how many months of separation between the two parties before a divorce becomes valid?

Asked on 2/13/07, 3:34 pm

3 Answers from Attorneys

Robert Davies The Davies Law Firm, P.A.

Re: NJ Divorce

You need to be separated for 18 months BEFORE you can file for a divorce.

You really need to get some assistance from an attorney. I suggest you find an experienced divorce attorney (this is a divorce type problem) who is not too far from you, and ask the attorney for assistance. You will have to pay the attorney for the attorney's efforts.

There is a lot at stake. Get a lawyer!

Disclaimer: Your question and any response does NOT create an attorney-client relationship between you and this law firm. You can not rely on the statements made by an attorney given over the internet. The exact facts of your situation, including facts which you have not mentioned in your question, may completely change the result for your situation.

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Answered on 2/13/07, 4:06 pm
Philip Burnham, Esquire Burnham Law Group, LLC.

Re: NJ Divorce

There is a new cause of action for Irreconcilable Differences. I would suggest you consult with an attorney.

I would be happy to follow up with you. Please email me directly or call my office if you would like to schedule an appointment either in person or by telephone. My contact information is listed in the links below.

Disclaimer: You can not rely on the advice of an attorney given over the internet. The exact facts of your situation, including facts which you have not mentioned in your question, may completely change the result for your situation.

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Answered on 2/22/07, 8:10 am
Jef Henninger, Esq Law Offices of Jef Henninger, Esq.

Re: NJ Divorce

It is now 6 months under the new law.

I suggest you at least meet with an attorney before filing, especially since most of us, such as myself, have free consultations.

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Answered on 2/13/07, 3:43 pm

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