Legal Question in Criminal Law in New York

new york youth caught selling cocaine

My son was caught with about 2 grams of coke. They were in 11 seperate .2 ounce bags therefore intent to sell. He was making a sale when 5 under cover cops arrested him. Im sure it was a set up. He is 16 and never in trouble before. He recieved 2,500 cash or 5,000 bond.What can i expect for an outcome? Thanks

Asked on 4/17/07, 5:57 pm

4 Answers from Attorneys

Robert Evans Robert S. Evans esq.

Re: new york youth caught selling cocaine

A competent criminal defense attorney will help your son hopefully get "youthful offender" status. This will enable his record to be sealed. On the instant charge there is a very real possibility of a split sentence consisting of jail and probation. This assumes your son has no legal defenses to the charge.I don't know what your financial situation is ,but a case like this would require a skilled defense attorney and the costs of suh are quite expensive.

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Answered on 4/18/07, 5:25 pm
Tracey Bloodsaw Law Office of Tracey A. Bloodsaw

Re: new york youth caught selling cocaine

He was charged with a felony. If this is first offense depending on other factors, he may be offered felony probation or split term of jail and probation (five years). The case can also be reduced to a misdemeanor or dismissed depending on several factors.

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Answered on 4/17/07, 6:56 pm
Anthony Colleluori The Law Offices of Anthony J. Colleluori & Associates PLLC

Re: new york youth caught selling cocaine

He is a 16 year old, You should expect to get him an attorney, as the Nassau district Attorney's office is horrible when it comes to kids, alcohol or drugs.


You can also expect that a good attorney will convince a court to grant your son a Youthful offender treatment so that it will not appear on his record as a conviction.

If found to be a Youthful offender (a YO) then he can recieve up to 6 months and 5 years probation which if he keeps himself crime and drug and alcohol free can end in 3 years.

It is essential that you find an attorney for this child if you can afford one, and stay in touch with that lawyer. (Legal Aid is good but very busy) Expect the lawyer to suggest you put the child in a therapists care to see if there are addiction problems. Do not worry about this, the Therapist can be really helpful if there is a plea or a trial.

If you would like to talk more about this please contact me for a consultation by following the links below. I am located in Nassau County.

Good Luck.

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Answered on 4/17/07, 10:49 pm
Carlos Gonzalez Gonzalez Legal Associates PLLC

Re: new york youth caught selling cocaine

the outcome could range greatly between probation to some serious time as a result of the act that drug cases are treated very strictly nowadays... if it is his first offense, and his age, this will be considered - there may be some opportunity to have this treated as a youthful offender status case, because of his age... meaning he would have no criminal record associated with the case.

If you would like a free phone consultation please give me a call to further discuss this case, my office regualrly handles many drug cases ofr all levels. You can reach my office at 2127098303

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Answered on 4/19/07, 11:30 am

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