Legal Question in Criminal Law in Pennsylvania

My sister won a Chinese auction for a time share vacation to a resort in Florida. The owner of the time share had a date listed on the form. When the owner spoke with my sister she asked my sister if she wanted to change the dates. My sister said no the dates where fine. My sister picked a date and the owner transferred my sister's name onto that certificate. Then my sister found out that she was seriously ill and asked the owner if she could switch the dates. My sister has documentation from her doctor about not traveling at the moment. I contacted the time share company who said that as long as my sister has her name on the certificate she can change the dates. The owner went and removed my sister’s name from the certificate and won't honor the trip. I was present when all this happened and was in contact with the owner. If she sue's will she win?

Asked on 7/06/18, 11:38 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

John Davidson Law Office of John A. Davidson

At first I was wondering why this was criminal. It's civil. Could you win at trial? It;s possible. that said, You have to look at what your out of pocket. The stay maybe valued a lot higher than what you paid but all you can recover is what you paid, Whether suing him is going to be worth it,


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Answered on 7/06/18, 12:37 pm

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