Legal Question in Civil Litigation in Washington

Settlement of Estate

Is there a time limit for settling an estate in the State of Washington? The deceased left a Will and it's known that beneficiaries were named. However, it's been over 90 days and their has been no contact from the exeutor or an attorney representing the estate. The executor, who was the deceased wife, has been quoted as saying, 'I'm spending everyone's inheritance...'

Asked on 3/07/07, 11:06 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Elizabeth Powell ELizabeth Powell PS Inc

Re: Settlement of Estate

First off, please accept my condolences; it sounds as though you have recently lost your father.

I don't believe there is a time limit for settling an estate, but there are pleadings you can file (or an attorney can file for you) so that you can know what is happening.

You can file a notice of request for special notice of proceedings, and demand that the attorney for the estate notify you when things happen. (That assumes a probate has been opened).

You don't say whether or not a probate has been opened. If you believe you have an interest (bequest) in this estate, you can open a probate yourself. You need the will and the death certificate and an attorney can do it for you.

The executor can be held accountable for mis-handling the estate, or otherwise failing to ensure that the testamentary intent of the decedent is not carried out promptly and properly.

If your father was married at the time of his death his widow has a right to half of his community property and half of his separate property by operation of law; WA is a community property state. But if there is separate property and a valid will, you may well stand to inherit some portion of his estate.

It might well be a good idea to consult local counsel. If you don't know who to call, call your county's Bar association and ask for a referral.

Hope this helps. Powell

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Answered on 3/07/07, 11:16 am

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