Legal Question in Business Law in Wisconsin

Laws Governing Surveillance with videotape

I want to know whether there are any laws governing surveillance. Specifically, an area of a business office which holds petty cash has been under 24 hour videotaped surveillance. Do the people who have access to the room need to be notified in advance of the videotaped surveillance? What constitutes entrapment? Does there need to be a public notice that an area is under surveillance? Thank you for your answer to my question.

Asked on 2/21/03, 1:53 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Mark Mahoney Cassiani Law Office, Wise Shepherd Law Office

Re: Laws Governing Surveillance with videotape


I doubt if there are any rules or laws concerning surveillance in the situation you describe. I am not positive that there are not, but my guess without doing research is that there are not. I wonder how effective it is for petty cash monitoring, unless it is to make sure that no one other than the person authorized is accessing the cash. I dont see any entrapment issues. If cash is lying around and someone takes it, it is theft not entrapment. That said, it might be a good idea to give notice of the camera, so that employees are warned and it will encourage them to not get in trouble. YOu may have to talk to management or human resources about that idea. Good luck, Mark J. Mahoney

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Answered on 2/22/03, 1:59 pm

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