Legal Question in Criminal Law in Arizona

Minor consumption of alcohol?

I was camping with some friends and some people were drinking. When the cops showed up, most of the people that were drinking ran off into the woods and i stayed back to talk to the cops. The police officer then gave me a horizontal gaze test and then issued a minor consumption citation. I asked if he could breathalize me and he said that he didnt have a breathalyzer with him. My question is, can these charges actually stick? I'm pretty sure that one field sobriety test is not enough evidence to prove beyond reasonable doubt that i had alcohol in my system. I am a 19 year old man entering the military very soon and if i get charged with this then i do believe that my chances of pursuing my dream are very slim. Thanks in advance for the advice.

Asked on 7/17/09, 8:01 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Grady Wade Wade Law Firm, PLC

Re: Minor consumption of alcohol?

You are pretty accurate in your assessment. It appears they have little evidence with which to convict you. However, a prosecutor could drop the charges, offer a lesser charge or choose to press the current charges. That is entirely up to him. I would suggest you retain an attorney to ensure you get treated fairly.

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Answered on 7/17/09, 9:43 pm

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