Legal Question in Business Law in California

Find a lawyer on contingency

How difficult is it to find a lawyer to take a case on contingency. This is a case worth approximately $80,000 with possible damages (I am disabled). The case is a partnership/real estate matter.

Asked on 2/25/08, 10:27 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

Bryan Whipple Bryan R. R. Whipple, Attorney at Law

Re: Find a lawyer on contingency

Contingency-fee agreements are common in personal injury cases. They are much less common in real estate and business matters, but definitely are used on occasion. The willingness of an attorney to share the risk depends upon his or her assessment of the likelihood of winning and collecting the judgment.

If you would contact me directly with the facts of your proposed suit (assuming you are the plaintiff), I would be pleased to give you (1) a better analysis of your legal position and chances of prevailing, and (2) terms on which, after reviewing the recovery potential, I might be willing to accept this case.

I am in Marin County; looks like the case might be in San Francisco Superior Court, well within my easy and economical working radius.

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Answered on 2/25/08, 11:45 pm
Edward Hoffman Law Offices of Edward A. Hoffman

Re: Find a lawyer on contingency

The answer will depend upon many factors. Among them are: (1) how strong your claim is; (2) how much work would likely be involved in representing you; (3) whether you will be entitled to an award of attorney fees and costs if you win; and (4) how likely the defendant is to be able to afford to actually pay any judgment you might win. There are likely to be other considerations as well.

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Answered on 2/25/08, 10:53 pm

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