Legal Question in Criminal Law in California

A 14 year old girl lie and say she 19 could the defendant get off

Asked on 11/08/12, 4:23 pm

3 Answers from Attorneys

Joe Dane Law Office of Joe Dane

Your question is either incomplete or I don't understand what you're asking. Try reposting with more details and a clear question.

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Answered on 11/08/12, 4:41 pm
Terry A. Nelson Nelson & Lawless

Could you get off?


Will you?

Not unless you can PROVE to the court and DA she lied and you had NO WAY of knowing otherwise. Your word does not count as proof.

When charged with any crime, the proper questions are, can any evidence obtained in a search or statement be used against you, can you be convicted, and what can you do? While this isn't a 'capital case', it certainly carries potential jail, so handle it right. No amount of free 'tips and hints' from here or elsewhere are going to effectively help in a legal defense. If you don't know how to represent yourself effectively against an experienced prosecutor intending to convict, then hire an attorney who does, who will try to get a dismissal, charge reduction, diversion, programs, or other decent outcome through motions, plea bargain, or take it to trial if appropriate.

If serious about hiring counsel to help in this, and if this is in SoCal courts, feel free to contact me. I�ll be happy to help fight this and get the best outcome possible, using whatever defenses there may be.

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Answered on 11/08/12, 4:50 pm
Edward Hoffman Law Offices of Edward A. Hoffman

It sounds like you've been charged with having illegal sexual contact with a minor, which is often called statutory rape. A genuine and reasonable belief that the girl was of legal age is a defense, but you would have to prove it. You might have to testify in order to do that, but testifying would open you up to cross-examination by the prosecutor. And since most 14-year-old girls don't look 19, even if you can persuade the jury that she claimed to be 19 you might have a very hard time persuading them that you really believed it.

You should get a lawyer immediately if you don't have one already.

Good luck.

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Answered on 11/08/12, 5:39 pm

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