Legal Question in Criminal Law in California

Expunged Minor

I am applying for a real estate license. The application requires that I disclose any convictions or actions violating the law ''ever'' (including that as a minor).

I was charged at 17 for shop lifting. I approached the DA personally to tell my side of the story, and he agreed to lower the charge to ''loitering'' and that was it. I don�t know if this therefore constitutes a misdemeanor conviction. Even if so, would this still be on my record at 44?

How could I go about finding definitively if this is indeed something on record? And if so, can I get it removed completely from my record?

Thanks, your timely advice is greatly appreciated in advance.

Asked on 7/20/04, 5:06 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

Benjamin Berger Berger-Harrison, A Professional Corporation

Re: Expunged Minor

You can disclose the conviction on your application and the chance of you suffering any negative consequences is extremely slight if not non-existant.

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Answered on 7/20/04, 7:00 pm
Terry A. Nelson Nelson & Lawless

Re: Expunged Minor

It is on your record as a misdemeanor, unless it was in juvenile court - then it is supposed to be sealed. However, you are obligated to disclose it on this application and any other government licensing applications. They WILL find it, and if you fail to disclose it will be treated as fraud and grounds for denial of license. Disclose and explain it, there should be no problem in your case.

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Answered on 7/20/04, 7:55 pm

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