Legal Question in Family Law in Florida

I have 50/50 custody of my son. My ex wife married a career criminal. He does not have a license and is considered un-insurable by her car insurance. He has multiple misdemeanors for traffic accidents, speeding, racing ect... He drives my son around everyday and I am scared something might happen. What should I do? Is this considered neglect on her part?

Asked on 6/15/13, 12:45 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

John Smitten Carey and Leisure

Just marrying someone with a checkered past by itself does not give rise to any court action, Something "might happen" is not evidence.

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Answered on 6/16/13, 6:18 am
Brent Rose The Orsini & Rose Law Firm

I disagree with the other attorney's answer. I suggest you speak to a lawyer about a supplemental petition to modify timeshare until the judge orders that your son can't be driven in the car with this traffic hazard that your ex married. Yes, this would be considered neglect on her part.

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Answered on 6/16/13, 10:56 am

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