Legal Question in Employment Law in Maryland

On Dec 2 about 1015p, I get this call and the caller number didn't appear it just said private number so I answer it anyway. On the other end of the phone a male that I recognized as one of Mo cousins. Starts talking saying how I was sexually harassing females so I hung up and email Mo. I told Mo I didn't appreciate that kinda of call and he told me that it was indeed his cousin and they were drunk. He says they did it while he went to the bathroom. So he tells me that I could still be fired for showing a lady how to use the phone. I asked him if he was threating me and he told me know he was just given heads up. I told him that I want to talk to Saab about what's been going on and he told me that he would fired me. This is the kinda of stuff I have to put up with every day. Here is was said on text the messages. After the call

Me: I don't appreciate that type of phone call. And don't play stupid I could who it was. You ever heard of *69. I have it were I can see the last number even if it's blocked.

Mo: Sorry man I'm drunk o typify it would b funny man.

Mo: Ya but in all seriousness shit still may go down.

Me: Maybe we should talk to Saab tomorrow.

Mo: We will talk tomorrow

Mo: I'm just giving u a heads up, any problem u have u can talk to me, if I hear u talk to Saab I'm going to have to fire

Mo: u

Me: Are you threating me

Mo: No i'm just letting u know wars up

Mo: wats*

Mo: I want u to stay but it wasn't me that called

Mo: It was my cousin

Me: Why do you think Saab would approved what you did tonight. It night be a joke to you not me.

Well it looks like today is the day I'm no longer with At&t and Celluvision and of course Orange Wireless. Since you all have the power to terminate me then you all have the right to be sued. Orange wireless has been paying me 320.00 a week and I work 55 hours a week which is 5.82 a hour. They claim that I'm salary but the Department of Labor says I'm not. Let's just say for argument sake I'm salary then I should be getting paid 455.00. They also don't give me a pay stub for my hours I work which is a no no. So tomorrow morning I will be going down to Hagerstown Newspaper and tell them my story how At&t and Celluvision and Orange Wireless violated my federal rights to recieve 7.25 an hour plus overtime. Here are the people my lawyer will be sueing on my behalf. At&t and Cynthia Barber, Chris Powers, Gary Greiner, Jennifer Wilson, Saab Darwish and especially Mo Amer. There goes your credit score buddy. You always like to screw people now it's my turn. Oh by the way you should bring up Roy Shaw account, the number is 304-261-0912 the zip code is 28403 I think the last 4 is 7969. His wife comes in and wants to change the rate plan to a higher amount. But Mo tells her the only way to do this is to upgrade your phone, so she does. She never even takes a new phone with her. You guys owe me 5300.00 and the law says I can get up to 3 times that amount. Also I want you to know that Mo is buying Iphone for his mother which runs a Verizon or T-mobile.

I was living at the V.A hospital for nearly 9 months. I was out looking for a job when I came across a AT&T store that was hiring. I found out that Saab Darwish was the owner of this store. He hired me on 9th of March. He show me on several occasions that he didn't have a lot of money to buy phone let alone paying employee or himself. I needed the money and really needed to work so I could get out of the V.A so I excepted a so called {salary} position that would pay me 300.00 a week for 55 hours of work. If I didn't take his offer he could only promise me 20 hours at 7.25, so I took the job. At 320.00 a week working 55 hours that comes to 5.82 an hour. If the store did well I would receive 20.00 more. If the store didn't do well I wouldn't receive the 20.00. I did not supervise anyone because it was only me and Saab.

Saab went oversea for a vacation and his nephew Mo Amer came to work here to help out and to write the checks for the store including my check. Mo started here around the 6th of May. Saab left for oversea on the 5th of May. Mo gave me permission which I have an email stating that he gave me permission to write my own check once because he wasn't here to do it. So I wrote a check for 320.00 for my pay and a 100.00 bonus for the month of May.

What should I do? It's unbearable to work here. I need your help. Please take my case... 301-991-1583

Asked on 12/03/10, 5:52 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Phillip M. Cook Cook Legal Services, LLC

If it's unbearable to work there, quit your job and find a new one.

Best of luck.******The above is for informational purposes only and does not create an attorney-client privilege.******

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Answered on 12/09/10, 5:25 am

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