Legal Question in Personal Injury in Massachusetts

Emotional Distress

I started dating girl at school. Girl is aware I have issues with depression. Live together in spring. Plan to live together next fall, settle on living in the same building. Goes home for summer. Tells me everything is fine all summer, visits a few times. Day after my birthday (aug 12) she admits she has been having doubts and interested in someone.

I tell her to make up her mind so we can readjust the living situation as if she is not stable it will affect me too much. Assures me that she will be stable with me.

Moved into school and is still fickle. Pulls ridiculously cruel stunts on me and runs off to other guy. Almost attempt suicide. I inform the girl that she needs to move when she returns. Response is no, and continues behavior, claiming she is with other guy, despite sleeping with me.

Morning of first classes I tell her I am going to kill myself because she won't move buildings, and then attempt to do so, she alerts nobody.

I then spent 18 hours in the ER, a week in the psych ward, and was almost kicked out of school.

She still won't move.

There are more details to the situation, but is this groundwork for a case for her to repay me for emotional distress, hospital bills, and disruption of my academics?

Asked on 9/15/08, 7:14 am

2 Answers from Attorneys

henry lebensbaum Law Offices of Henry Lebensbaum (978-749-3606)

: Emotional Distress

NO - get some help and move on.

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Answered on 9/15/08, 8:13 am

Re: Emotional Distress

You have no case. Regards, JBS

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Answered on 9/15/08, 8:48 am

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