Legal Question in Family Law in Missouri

to name or not to name

I am 17 pregnant by a 22 year old. The father claims he wants to support the child and wants the child every other weekend but does not want to go to court for any of this. That might be all fine for now but what happens latter down the road when he stop everything. What rights does he have if I do not name him on the birth certificate and do not give my baby his last name. My biggest fear is of him taking off with my child. What should I do?

Asked on 11/06/07, 2:54 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

William Reynolds The Reynolds Law Firm

Re: to name or not to name

Well the best result is you getting a court order establishing the parent child relationship. That order would then set up a visitation schedule and order him to pay child support. Without an order everything is up in the air.

If he is not on the birth certificate then he has no legal rights, until such time as someone seeks a court order to address the issues discussed above.

If you want to discuss this in greater detail you can call my office. I would need more information before I could give any specific advice.

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Answered on 11/06/07, 3:08 pm

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