Legal Question in Criminal Law in New Hampshire

is that enough evidence?

I was arrested for criminal restraint. I had told an detective I had to remove my handicapped daughters door knob so I could take my other 4 small children to the store.I didnt really do it but I just said it to get them to remove her from my they have a case without evidence of the door knob being removed and just me stating that I did.?

Asked on 9/16/07, 2:49 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

James Dennehy Dennehy Law Group, PLLC

Re: is that enough evidence?

The police can prove, and usually do prove, a case based upon the statements given by the defendant. Evidence takes many forms. You should consult with an attorney as soon as possible. Do not speak to the police again. In addition, the police will likely call DCYF and they may seek custody of your children. You should speak to an attorney before spoeaking to the DCYF case worker.

WARNING AND DISCLAIMER: This response is provided for general informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for speaking to an attorney qualified and experienced in criminal defense. This response does not establish an attorney-client relationship. Reliance on this information without seeking advice from an attorney could be harmful. Beyond jail and fines, criminal charges often carry unforeseen collateral consequences impacting employment, security clearances, military service, student loans, drivers license, possession of firearms and voting. If you are the subject of a criminal investigation, under no circumstances should you speak to the police without consulting an attorney. Criminal charges are serious, speak to an attorney!

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Answered on 9/16/07, 6:12 pm

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