Legal Question in Consumer Law in New Jersey

Violation of NJ Leasing Laws to Consumer

I recently tried to purchase my lease. I was denied due

to poor credit even tho my lease payments were current.

After being assured thru the dealer I could purchase this

vehicle and spending months trying my vehicle was recovered

by Ford Motor Credit. I received no written warning prior,

the tow truck driver falsly identified himself as a sheriff

officer with a warrent for my arrest if it was not turned

over immediately. I received bill for $7,133.00 in mileage

and damages. I requested a detailed appraisal which was

never received. Approx. 2 months later after 2nd request,

I received a very undetailed copy with little or no information on specifics of damage. I believe NJ law states

a itemized appraisal is to be sent in a timely fashion

which I have the right to at my own expense my own appraisal. This time span was not met, and now I am being

sued by Ford Credit. I filed a complaint with NJ Consumer Affairs but have yet to hear back from them. Do I have any

legal right to dispute or fight the law suit on the grounds

that they violated NJ law?

Asked on 11/06/02, 8:43 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Glen Chulsky Law Office of Glen H. Chulsky

Re: Violation of NJ Leasing Laws to Consumer

It depends. I can only give you specific answers after I know all of the facts. You should consult an attorney experienced with consumer law and the New Jersey Consumer Fraud Act. You may have not only defenses to raise but also claims. If you need more info, feel free to call me at 973-659-3400.

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Answered on 11/07/02, 8:51 am

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