Legal Question in Employment Law in New York

Hi, I'm wondering if an employer (non profit organization) can pay it's workers less than minimum wage when considering the numbers of hours worked given the stipend, it amounts to $3 an hour. I am under 18 by the way and not an intern. I am classified as an employee. Is this allowed?

Asked on 4/30/14, 9:13 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Leon Greenberg Leon Greenberg Professional Corporation

The short, but cover all bases answer to your question is "it depends." Generally, the answer would be no, but I would need more information and your question provides certain information but not other information. Non-profit status is not, by itself, going to answer the question, but I do not know what you are doing (for example, if you were in some sort of religious missionary type volunteer work for a church that would be important to the answer). You refer to a "stipend" which is something often given to persons who are students/learners, not regular employees, and that could also be important. I would need to understand more about your situation to give an informed opinion on your question. Feel free to telephone me at 702-383-6085. I am licensed to practice law in New York even though my office is not located there.

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Answered on 4/30/14, 10:19 am

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