Legal Question in Criminal Law in Ohio

please help

i am 27 years old i am labled as a sex offender. my case was closed and because of the mother pressuring the case it was reopened and i was found guilty. i had no involvement with the daughter i was not caught in any situation with the daughter and now that she is 18 she can finally tell the truth. what am i to do. the detective that was on the case said that i should contact a lawyer because i should not be labled as this especially when nothing happpened and the case was closed.the daughter went to the hospital the same night and it was found that she had sex before but not with me the noght in question. so please give me some legal advice i looked towards expungement but since i have other things on my record there was no possible way for me to do that. but i know there is a way that i dont have to be labled as this person i am not and always having to register everytime me and my family moves. please help me

Asked on 4/03/07, 12:26 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

Richard Cline Office of the Ohio Public Defender

Re: please help

The key question here is what do you mean when you say "I was found guilty." If there was a trial and either a judge or a jury made a finding of guilt, the question is whether this girl testified. If she testified at a trial, and her testimony was false, then she needs to be willing to step forward and admit that she gave false testimony.

If you pleaded guilty (no trial) that is another matter.

A lawyer can help you with this problem, provided the girl is now willing to tell the truth under oath. She may face consequences of her own (perjury charges, for example) so it is not an automatic thing that she will now come forward.

I would recommend that you contact an experienced criminal defense attorney to help you with this issue.

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Answered on 4/03/07, 12:34 pm
David Davies Law Office of David H. Davies

Re: please help

You definitely are going to need some help. You need to get the conviction overturned. That may be possible but it is very difficlt and very time consuming-You should talk to an attorney with lots of criminal experience.

Do you have a chance of getting the help you need? I would need a lot more information in order to answer that question. You said that you were found guilty so I assume that you had a trial. If you plead guilty, that introduces a whole different set of problems. How long ago was your conviction? Did you get sentenced to prison? What County is the case in?

I have been helping people who have been seriously injured and those wrongfully accused of crimes for over 30 years. I will be happy to discuss this with you if you would like to call. No charge or obligation for the call.

Good Luck to you!


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Answered on 4/03/07, 6:37 pm

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