Legal Question in Personal Injury in Oregon

Defamation of chracter

On 2 occassions the manager of our apartment complex, has yelled, screamed, cussed, threaten with physical violence, without no provocation of any kind. I live in HUD assited housing, but HUD can't do anything (supposedly) when it comes to employees of the apartment's owners. Can I file a defamation of character suit? What type complaint needs to be filed? Do I file in District Court? Can I file a defamation of character suit? Where would I find the forms that I would need? Is there some kind of site that could help me with this? The tenants are scared because he makes threats that he is going to evict you. Alot of us have no where else to go. We can't afford the rent it would take for shelter. If we can't live here we will end up on the streets. At the same time, the owners aren't willing to do anything about him. He continues with his abusive behavior, daring anyone to do anything about it. I sure could use some help in getting this guy off my back.

Thank You

Asked on 5/20/01, 3:49 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Sam Hochberg Sam Hochberg & Associates

Re: Defamation of chracter

I don't recommend you file suit on your own, and it doesn't sound like a defamation suit would necessarily be the way to go. Oregon has strong landlord-tenant law, which you should explore with an attorney. You don't say what city you're in, but the leading attorney who represents tenants is in Portland, and his name is Frank Wall. His number is 503-223-6066. Tell him I sent you, off the internet.

If Frank can't help you, you should call the legal aid office nearest you. They're called Oregon Legal Services, as I recall. The office in Portland (Multnomah County Legal Aid) used to have a "tenant hotline" for just such questions. They may still, I'm not sure. Their phone number is 503-224-4086. One other organization in Portland with expertise in this area is the St. Andrew's Legal Clinic, which has sliding-scale fees, at 503-281-1500. Finally, you might also check the low-cost legal clinic, operated by law students from Lewis & Clark Law School. They work very hard, and are closely supervised by a full time staff of attorneys. The clinic's number is 503-224-1606.

Good luck to you. One of these referrals should be able to help. --- Sam Hochberg

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Answered on 5/22/01, 3:49 am

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