Legal Question in Employment Law in California

new job trying to work around OT pay

Help! I'm an RN, recently hired with a salary and full benefits, job description (verbal) was for program developer. I have very impressive resume and she told me ''you could write your own ticket here.'' She has faded away and the RN Administrator said Im to do grunt work, and gave me an impossible schedule to do in eight hours, and told me even if it takes 12 hours, i'm to do it with no overtime. I asked her if theres a policy, or what others had signed to give up their OT and she all but fired me. What should I do, what are my rights? Can they fire me? Thank you

Asked on 4/08/08, 10:32 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Ryan P. McClure The Law Offices of Ryan P. McClure

Re: new job trying to work around OT pay

You stated in your question that you are a salaried employee. Is there a labor agreement or contract that provides overtime wages? Generally, salaried employees are not entitled to overtime pay absent an agreement between the employer and the employee. Feel free to contact my office to discuss this matter.

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Answered on 4/13/08, 9:44 pm

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