Legal Question in Business Law in Connecticut

I am in business with my brother (a stock corporation, started in 1989) in 1996 my brother got married, in 2003 I got married, in 2004 my brother and his wife accussed me of stealing from the business so I told him to do the books for the business if he thought it was so easy. Once he took over doing the books I have never gotten paid back for any expenses that I pay for in reguards to the business. I now pay out of pockets for taxes when the business keeps the profits, my brother purchased a new truck that the business paid for. The business is housed out of my property can I go after the business for back rent because it has never paid anything rental of my property.

Asked on 5/09/16, 9:21 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Generally yes but it would also depend on any agreements you currently have with the company and your brother whether you demanded rent in the past. There could be other damages you can also claim!

Please contact me directly for assistance on this matter.

Roman R. Fichman, Esq. │ @TheLegalist

email: Info (@) TheLegalists (dot) com

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Answered on 5/09/16, 9:36 am

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