Legal Question in Civil Litigation in Indiana

Can my mother be sued by her son in law for money he loaned her husband before his death? No contract was ever made.

My mother is being threatened with a “claim” by her son in law for some money he loaned her husband before he (husband) died.

My mom didn’t enter into any contract or agreement with the son in law and only ever acted as a messenger while her husband was ill and dying.

Can she be sued for this?

Again, this seems to have been something between her husband and his son. There is nothing in writing. No contract was ever made by anyone, let alone my mother.

Asked on 10/10/23, 7:25 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Based on the information provided, the son in law can sue the estate of the father.

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Answered on 10/11/23, 7:18 am

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