Legal Question in Mediation in Indiana

The church I am affiliated with has a new pastor. He has come in and delcared the church a "democracy"....kicked out board members, threw out the by-laws, is writing his own by-laws, took the money out of the account and us placing it in an account he has access to. He had people come in the church at a weeknight service and allowed them to vote who were not members of the church. He says if we vote him out he will sue the church. We don't know how he got the money out of the account because the bank is not talking. Are the original board members, voted in by the church congragation still legal board members? The people that he allowed to vote that voted them out were not members of the chuch and many had never even attended church. What legal right do we as members have? He also says that the church name is illegal because it has "mission" at the end of it and he is changing the name. Can the original board members vote him out and close the church? We would rather see the church close than be what it has become.

Thanks for your help

Asked on 8/16/11, 12:01 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Is your church a member of another organization that oversees what happens. For example. the Catholic Church has an archdiocese. If so, contact that office.

Depeding on what the bylaws state, he may not be able to kick out the board members. You really need to see a local attorney as soon as possible.

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Answered on 8/21/11, 7:19 am

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