Legal Question in Employment Law in Florida

Collecting Salery

I am an independant contractor with a contract from a Massachusettes based restaurant company. The contract was written by the owner and president of the company and myself and signed by both individuals. I wrote, costed, and specified all menu items and implimented the perchasing contracts. Trained personal, laid out the kitchen, and implimented the service policies bring the restaurant to fruition. I was to be paid monthly which turned into quarterly which turned into waiting for more investment money while nine months has passed. Since I have been living off savings and things are tight what is the best avenue to pursue my salery owed?

Asked on 9/15/08, 11:00 am

2 Answers from Attorneys

Scott Behren Behren Law Firm

Re: Collecting Salery

Would need to see the terms of the contract. If you fax it over to me we can talk further.



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Answered on 9/15/08, 5:19 pm
William Gwaltney William W. Gwaltney, Attorneys at Law

Re: Collecting Salery

Sounds like a breach of contract to me. Sue him in the proper court which has jurisdiction and venue. You need to review your contract to determine whether there is a choice of laws or venue provision within it, and determine the amount of money owed in order to file in the proper court.

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Answered on 9/15/08, 11:17 am

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