Legal Question in Landlord & Tenant Law in Louisiana

What happens iif you have been with someone for 6 years and now we r breaking up but she says she is not leaving Its my house!!! What can I do

Asked on 10/21/10, 8:40 am

3 Answers from Attorneys

Martha Amanda Mandi Lucas Mandie Seale Lucas

You can evict her. If you were not married and the property was purchased by you or prior to the relationship, it is your property.

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Answered on 10/26/10, 9:30 am
Nick Pizzolatto, Jr. Pizzolatto Law Office

Evict her. There is no common law marriage in Louisiana, and if she wants compensation for helping pay for the property, she can sue you for that amount.

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Answered on 10/26/10, 3:32 pm
Adam Lambert The Law Office of Adam S. Lambert

I agree that eviction is in order. However, I think a couple of things should be noted. First, it doesn't matter whether you purchased the property "prior to the relationship". You aren't married and if the property is in your name it is yours. Period. It doesn't matter whether you were "a couple" when you purchased it. If your name is on the Act of Sale, it is your home. Second, while she could file a suit for "helping you pay for the property", I don't see that she would be entitled to anything. She received room and board and that room and board has a price. If she paid for some of the bills, good, she lived there and she got room and board for her money. I don't see how she would be entitled to any of that money back.

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Answered on 10/27/10, 6:10 am

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